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Primary Blog/Weight Loss/Are You Healthy Enough to Lose Weight?

Are You Healthy Enough to Lose Weight?

Are You Healthy Enough to Lose Weight?

You might read that and say to yourself, “I want to lose weight to get healthy Janell, I don’t get it!”


What people don’t consider when they set out to lose weight is…are they actually healthy enough to lose weight?

You don’t lose weight and then get healthy, you get healthy and then you lose weight.

Weight loss is a result of improving your health.

In order to lose weight and actually keep it off you have to consider:

  • How balanced is your blood sugar?
  • ​How healthy are your hormones?
  • ​What is the state of your mindset?
  • ​Are your detoxification and drainage pathways open?
  • ​Is your thyroid functioning properly?
  • ​Is your liver able to probably process toxins and excess hormones?
  • ​Is your body digesting & absorbing the food you eat?
  • ​Do you have an imbalance of bad bacteria in your gut?
  • ​Do you have an overgrowth of candida (yeast) or too high of a viral load?

Weight loss is a SIGNIFICANT side effect of my Gut Thrive in 5 program…

10, 20, 26, even 51 pounds in 12 weeks from people who were working out pretty consistently, eating relatively healthy, and had tried everything in the past to shed unwanted pounds.

So why during this program did they lose the weight that they couldn’t before?

They were healing and creating health from the inside out.

All Disease Begins In The Gut - Hippocrates
  • If your gut is not healthy, you are not healthy.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will not lose weight and keep it off.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will not sleep well.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will get sick more often.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, your hormones will not be in balance.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will experience more anxiety and depression.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will experience more pain.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will have more dis-ease.

If weight loss is something you desire, then focus on creating more health...

And, remember, health starts in your gut!

In Health & Happiness,
Janell Yule

Gut Health Masterclass
Justin & Janell Yule

Hi, We're Justin & Janell Yule

Co-Founders of The Transformation Life

It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!

We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...


Justin & Janell Yule

Hi, We're Justin & Janell Yule

Co-Founders of The Transformation Life

It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!

We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...


Primary Blog/Weight Loss/Are You Healthy Enough to Lose Weight?

Are You Healthy Enough to Lose Weight?

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Are You Healthy Enough to Lose Weight?

You might read that and say to yourself, “I want to lose weight to get healthy Janell, I don’t get it!”


What people don’t consider when they set out to lose weight is…are they actually healthy enough to lose weight?

You don’t lose weight and then get healthy, you get healthy and then you lose weight.

Weight loss is a result of improving your health.

In order to lose weight and actually keep it off you have to consider:

  • How balanced is your blood sugar?
  • ​How healthy are your hormones?
  • ​What is the state of your mindset?
  • ​Are your detoxification and drainage pathways open?
  • ​Is your thyroid functioning properly?
  • ​Is your liver able to probably process toxins and excess hormones?
  • ​Is your body digesting & absorbing the food you eat?
  • ​Do you have an imbalance of bad bacteria in your gut?
  • ​Do you have an overgrowth of candida (yeast) or too high of a viral load?

Weight loss is a SIGNIFICANT side effect of my Gut Thrive in 5 program…

10, 20, 26, even 51 pounds in 12 weeks from people who were working out pretty consistently, eating relatively healthy, and had tried everything in the past to shed unwanted pounds.

So why during this program did they lose the weight that they couldn’t before?

They were healing and creating health from the inside out.

All Disease Begins In The Gut - Hippocrates
  • If your gut is not healthy, you are not healthy.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will not lose weight and keep it off.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will not sleep well.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will get sick more often.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, your hormones will not be in balance.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will experience more anxiety and depression.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will experience more pain.
  • ​If your gut is not healthy, you will have more dis-ease.

If weight loss is something you desire, then focus on creating more health...

And, remember, health starts in your gut!

In Health & Happiness,
Janell Yule

Gut Health Masterclass