Primary Blog/Body Transformation/Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage: How to Overcome Excuses and Achieve Your Goals

Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage: How to Overcome Excuses and Achieve Your Goals

I want to share a conversation I had with someone who finished up one of our transformation challenges - trust me, there's a beneficial lesson here.

Sadly, this isn’t a unique conversation.

I have some form of this conversation just about every month.

And, like with many of the conversations, this isn’t this person’s first or last time with us (unless what I said changes that).

I was really happy when this particular client decided to make a comeback. He’s a super nice guy and I wanted to see him succeed. :-)

To tell you the truth, I wasn't really shocked, although I hoped this time it would be different, when he sent me this message at the conclusion of the program when I invited him to stay on as a regular member:

“Your program is thought out well, but my next 2 months will give me limited time to come in for classes. So I will not be joining at this time, I am better with in-person than remote because I don’t have the bands and free weights at home to do the program. Feel free to reach out to me again in June to see where things are at. It is always a pleasure to get refocused by your programs.”

Really nice, right?

As I said, he’s a super nice guy. :-)

It’s clear he likes The Transformation Club, appreciates what we do, and has the intention to come back again…hopefully, months and not years later like before.

But, NO! He’s got it all wrong…

Now, I know that one of my greatest mentors will tell me, “Look, be grateful you’ve got a happy client who will continue to do business with you. Not everyone is ready to make working out a lifelong habit so just be there for them during the times that they are.”

I totally get that.

But, at the same time, NOOOOOOO!

I felt this person was someone with whom I could be direct and honest; he could “take it.”

So, here was my reply:

I appreciate that you can see the program is well thought out, and I'm glad it's something you want to come back to. :-)

But, at the risk of negatively impacting our relationship, I have to step in here as a coach...

"Limited time over the next 2 months" is a crap excuse.

Yes, I said it.

I'm being blunt because I'm passionate about helping.

You see, this is where so many people get it wrong and screw themselves in the long run.

Yes, there are likely going to be seasons in your life when you can easily attend more workouts than others...

But, that's irrelevant in the long run...if you take the right approach.

One approach, the one you're choosing right now, is to start and stop and start and stop as your schedule changes. This makes it harder to start each time and everything you gain when you are attending is quickly lost. Ultimately, in the long run, you get nowhere.

Another approach is to use the lighter seasons as a chance to make some nice progress and then use the busier seasons to MAINTAIN those results. In other words, maybe you're attending 3-4 sessions during the lighter seasons and only 1 or 2 (enough for maintenance) during the busier seasons. Ultimately, in the long run, you get somewhere great!

You can see this depicted in the image below:

Right now, you're choosing the green line. I'm trying to encourage you to choose the blue one.

And, as far as subbing in some online workouts for when the schedule just doesn't work...
1) Getting results online is a CHOICE. You CAN make that choice.
2) Not having bands is another crap excuse. Spend $50 - $100 and you're good to go.

Again, I understand I might be risking the relationship, but I feel compelled to step in as your coach. I'd rather risk upsetting you than wondering if I only said something maybe I could have helped...

Finally, you mentioned that "it's always a pleasure to get refocused with your programs."

While I appreciate that, what does it actually mean? If you're just going to start and stop, then how did you get refocused. What exactly was the point of the last six weeks?

Now, you may read that and think I’m a jerk who just doesn’t understand.

But, actually, I do understand.

I understand that it’s all in his head. And, if you feel the same way he does, then it’s all in YOUR head.

Every time he, or anyone like him, starts to make progress they find a way to self-sabotage.

They use logic and reason like a busy work schedule or some other EXCUSE to stop themselves from being successful.

Why would anyone do that?

I don’t have all day for that answer - you can listen to Janell and I discuss it on Episode 42 and Episode 141 of The Transformation Show. Yes, we covered it on two episodes because it’s such a critical conversation - it’s one of the biggest reasons people stay stuck and never achieve their goals.

Comparison is a dangerous game when it brings you down (e.g., “he has this and I don’t” or “she looks so much better than me”).

However, comparison, or better yet, inspirational examples, can be helpful when it lifts you up (e.g., “if he can do it, so can I” or “she makes me believe anything is possible” - btw, my niece said that about Janell!)

I regularly have clients join my virtual workouts when they're on business trips or vacations.  Most people would just skip out.

Let me be clear, in no way shape, or form am I saying these clients are “better” than the client I was referring to earlier or anyone else for that matter.

What I am saying is that these clients “get it” (Note: they didn’t always, until they DECIDED).

They understand that things like schedule are just an excuse, and more so FEAR hiding as logic and reason.

And, let me also point out that, in my book, it’s also perfectly acceptable to train less often when it’s the right thing to do for your body with your schedule. As I said earlier, in some seasons you’ll train more and others you’ll train less. The key is that you’re always training.

Look, here’s the bottom line:

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

If you keep hiding behind logic and reason and you keep making the same old excuses you’re NEVER going to achieve your goal.

You can claim a busy schedule or life this or life that, but while you’re doing that there’s a whole bunch of people dealing with the same shit (or worse) and still finding a way to get it done!

YOU get to DECIDE!

And, if you decide that now is your time let me know. I’ll do what I can to help you win.

Justin Yule

You CAN Lose Weight, Get The Body You Want, Have More Energy, And Feel Totally Confident… Starting RIGHT NOW!

When You “Test-Drive” The Transformation Club Today, You’ll Get An UNLIMITED 4-WEEK MEMBERSHIP For Only $97 - SAVE OVER 50%!

PLUS, You’ll Get Over $500 Worth of Proven Body Transformation Tools for FREE (Just For Saying “Maybe”)!

Justin & Janell Yule

Hi, We're Justin & Janell Yule

Co-Founders of The Transformation Life

It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!

We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...


Justin & Janell Yule

Hi, We're Justin & Janell Yule

Co-Founders of The Transformation Life

It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!

We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...


Primary Blog/Body Transformation/Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage: How to Overcome Excuses and Achieve Your Goals

Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage: How to Overcome Excuses and Achieve Your Goals

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

I want to share a conversation I had with someone who finished up one of our transformation challenges - trust me, there's a beneficial lesson here.

Sadly, this isn’t a unique conversation.

I have some form of this conversation just about every month.

And, like with many of the conversations, this isn’t this person’s first or last time with us (unless what I said changes that).

I was really happy when this particular client decided to make a comeback. He’s a super nice guy and I wanted to see him succeed. :-)

To tell you the truth, I wasn't really shocked, although I hoped this time it would be different, when he sent me this message at the conclusion of the program when I invited him to stay on as a regular member:

“Your program is thought out well, but my next 2 months will give me limited time to come in for classes. So I will not be joining at this time, I am better with in-person than remote because I don’t have the bands and free weights at home to do the program. Feel free to reach out to me again in June to see where things are at. It is always a pleasure to get refocused by your programs.”

Really nice, right?

As I said, he’s a super nice guy. :-)

It’s clear he likes The Transformation Club, appreciates what we do, and has the intention to come back again…hopefully, months and not years later like before.

But, NO! He’s got it all wrong…

Now, I know that one of my greatest mentors will tell me, “Look, be grateful you’ve got a happy client who will continue to do business with you. Not everyone is ready to make working out a lifelong habit so just be there for them during the times that they are.”

I totally get that.

But, at the same time, NOOOOOOO!

I felt this person was someone with whom I could be direct and honest; he could “take it.”

So, here was my reply:

I appreciate that you can see the program is well thought out, and I'm glad it's something you want to come back to. :-)

But, at the risk of negatively impacting our relationship, I have to step in here as a coach...

"Limited time over the next 2 months" is a crap excuse.

Yes, I said it.

I'm being blunt because I'm passionate about helping.

You see, this is where so many people get it wrong and screw themselves in the long run.

Yes, there are likely going to be seasons in your life when you can easily attend more workouts than others...

But, that's irrelevant in the long run...if you take the right approach.

One approach, the one you're choosing right now, is to start and stop and start and stop as your schedule changes. This makes it harder to start each time and everything you gain when you are attending is quickly lost. Ultimately, in the long run, you get nowhere.

Another approach is to use the lighter seasons as a chance to make some nice progress and then use the busier seasons to MAINTAIN those results. In other words, maybe you're attending 3-4 sessions during the lighter seasons and only 1 or 2 (enough for maintenance) during the busier seasons. Ultimately, in the long run, you get somewhere great!

You can see this depicted in the image below:

Right now, you're choosing the green line. I'm trying to encourage you to choose the blue one.

And, as far as subbing in some online workouts for when the schedule just doesn't work...
1) Getting results online is a CHOICE. You CAN make that choice.
2) Not having bands is another crap excuse. Spend $50 - $100 and you're good to go.

Again, I understand I might be risking the relationship, but I feel compelled to step in as your coach. I'd rather risk upsetting you than wondering if I only said something maybe I could have helped...

Finally, you mentioned that "it's always a pleasure to get refocused with your programs."

While I appreciate that, what does it actually mean? If you're just going to start and stop, then how did you get refocused. What exactly was the point of the last six weeks?

Now, you may read that and think I’m a jerk who just doesn’t understand.

But, actually, I do understand.

I understand that it’s all in his head. And, if you feel the same way he does, then it’s all in YOUR head.

Every time he, or anyone like him, starts to make progress they find a way to self-sabotage.

They use logic and reason like a busy work schedule or some other EXCUSE to stop themselves from being successful.

Why would anyone do that?

I don’t have all day for that answer - you can listen to Janell and I discuss it on Episode 42 and Episode 141 of The Transformation Show. Yes, we covered it on two episodes because it’s such a critical conversation - it’s one of the biggest reasons people stay stuck and never achieve their goals.

Comparison is a dangerous game when it brings you down (e.g., “he has this and I don’t” or “she looks so much better than me”).

However, comparison, or better yet, inspirational examples, can be helpful when it lifts you up (e.g., “if he can do it, so can I” or “she makes me believe anything is possible” - btw, my niece said that about Janell!)

I regularly have clients join my virtual workouts when they're on business trips or vacations.  Most people would just skip out.

Let me be clear, in no way shape, or form am I saying these clients are “better” than the client I was referring to earlier or anyone else for that matter.

What I am saying is that these clients “get it” (Note: they didn’t always, until they DECIDED).

They understand that things like schedule are just an excuse, and more so FEAR hiding as logic and reason.

And, let me also point out that, in my book, it’s also perfectly acceptable to train less often when it’s the right thing to do for your body with your schedule. As I said earlier, in some seasons you’ll train more and others you’ll train less. The key is that you’re always training.

Look, here’s the bottom line:

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

If you keep hiding behind logic and reason and you keep making the same old excuses you’re NEVER going to achieve your goal.

You can claim a busy schedule or life this or life that, but while you’re doing that there’s a whole bunch of people dealing with the same shit (or worse) and still finding a way to get it done!

YOU get to DECIDE!

And, if you decide that now is your time let me know. I’ll do what I can to help you win.

Justin Yule

You CAN Lose Weight, Get The Body You Want, Have More Energy, And Feel Totally Confident… Starting RIGHT NOW!

When You “Test-Drive” The Transformation Club Today, You’ll Get An UNLIMITED 4-WEEK MEMBERSHIP For Only $97 - SAVE OVER 50%!

PLUS, You’ll Get Over $500 Worth of Proven Body Transformation Tools for FREE (Just For Saying “Maybe”)!