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Primary Blog/Body Transformation/Cheerleader vs. Coach

Cheerleader vs. Coach

I want to bring you into a discussion that Janell and I had on one of our walks as she was telling me how a new trial member at The Transformation Club was clearly not happy with her trying to correct her form and refused her help.

In 26 years, I’ve experienced this countless times myself…

I always find it fascinating when someone comes to The Transformation Club, essentially hires someone to help them, and then resists that help. In some cases, I’ve actually had people tell me flat out that they know what they’re doing and to leave them be - when they’re clearly doing an exercise wrong!

You see, what some people really want is a cheerleader.

They want someone to encourage them and make them feel good about themselves.

And, there’s actually nothing wrong with that (unless they're being encouraged to do something that could actually hurt them).

After all, most people go through their day with little to no encouragement and don’t feel that great.

As an aside, the biggest liming belief that people deal with is some form of, “I’m not enough”...

So, I’m all for seeking out a cheerleader and putting yourself in environments where you’re made to feel good. :-)

AND, I’m all about COACHING.

It’s a YES AND thing.

Yes, you need cheerleaders in your life. People who will encourage you and tell you you’re doing a good job (when you are) and, by the way, that YOU are good. Hell, you’re great!

AND, you need coaches who will guide you when veering off the path, come alongside you when you need help and support, and give you a gentle kick in the ass when you’re slacking off or not living up to your full potential.

In the fitness industry, you’ll find a lot of cheerleaders.

Group fitness classes are led by them.

Boutique fitness studios are built on them - some are like a dance club with nothing more than a fun MC.

And, virtual programs and apps…as they say back home in New York, “forget about it.” 😂

Again, a cheerleader is great. They’re often why people keep coming back, which is critical for results. You can’t get results if you don’t show up, right?

But, if you’re going to spend your hard-earned money then don’t you think you should also get a coach that actually cares about you getting the best workout and long-term RESULTS possible?

I mean, would you hire a business coach that just encourages you and whispers motivational quotes in your ear to keep you going but doesn’t actually teach you anything to get better and improve your bottom line?

Of course not!

Well, then don’t hire a so-called trainer who basically does the same thing...

Go ahead and get yourself a cheerleader (if you need one). Just be sure that person is also a great coach.

Oh, and when you do have great coaches…LISTEN TO THEM! ;-)

By the way, if you’re interested in hiring a great fitness coach (in-person or online) then I invite you to check out The Transformation Club HERE.

Justin Yule

“Test-Drive” The Transformation Club & SAVE OVER 50%

PLUS, You’ll Get Over $500 Worth of Proven Body Transformation Tools for FREE!

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Justin & Janell Yule

Hi, We're Justin & Janell Yule

Co-Founders of The Transformation Life

It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!

We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...


Justin & Janell Yule

Hi, We're Justin & Janell Yule

Co-Founders of The Transformation Life

It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!

We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...


Primary Blog/Body Transformation/Cheerleader vs. Coach

Cheerleader vs. Coach

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

I want to bring you into a discussion that Janell and I had on one of our walks as she was telling me how a new trial member at The Transformation Club was clearly not happy with her trying to correct her form and refused her help.

In 26 years, I’ve experienced this countless times myself…

I always find it fascinating when someone comes to The Transformation Club, essentially hires someone to help them, and then resists that help. In some cases, I’ve actually had people tell me flat out that they know what they’re doing and to leave them be - when they’re clearly doing an exercise wrong!

You see, what some people really want is a cheerleader.

They want someone to encourage them and make them feel good about themselves.

And, there’s actually nothing wrong with that (unless they're being encouraged to do something that could actually hurt them).

After all, most people go through their day with little to no encouragement and don’t feel that great.

As an aside, the biggest liming belief that people deal with is some form of, “I’m not enough”...

So, I’m all for seeking out a cheerleader and putting yourself in environments where you’re made to feel good. :-)

AND, I’m all about COACHING.

It’s a YES AND thing.

Yes, you need cheerleaders in your life. People who will encourage you and tell you you’re doing a good job (when you are) and, by the way, that YOU are good. Hell, you’re great!

AND, you need coaches who will guide you when veering off the path, come alongside you when you need help and support, and give you a gentle kick in the ass when you’re slacking off or not living up to your full potential.

In the fitness industry, you’ll find a lot of cheerleaders.

Group fitness classes are led by them.

Boutique fitness studios are built on them - some are like a dance club with nothing more than a fun MC.

And, virtual programs and apps…as they say back home in New York, “forget about it.” 😂

Again, a cheerleader is great. They’re often why people keep coming back, which is critical for results. You can’t get results if you don’t show up, right?

But, if you’re going to spend your hard-earned money then don’t you think you should also get a coach that actually cares about you getting the best workout and long-term RESULTS possible?

I mean, would you hire a business coach that just encourages you and whispers motivational quotes in your ear to keep you going but doesn’t actually teach you anything to get better and improve your bottom line?

Of course not!

Well, then don’t hire a so-called trainer who basically does the same thing...

Go ahead and get yourself a cheerleader (if you need one). Just be sure that person is also a great coach.

Oh, and when you do have great coaches…LISTEN TO THEM! ;-)

By the way, if you’re interested in hiring a great fitness coach (in-person or online) then I invite you to check out The Transformation Club HERE.

Justin Yule

“Test-Drive” The Transformation Club & SAVE OVER 50%

PLUS, You’ll Get Over $500 Worth of Proven Body Transformation Tools for FREE!

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