I've had quite the journey leading and participating in masterminds for fitness entrepreneurs. These gatherings, whether online or face-to-face, aren't just meetings. They're powerhouses of learning, sharing, and growing - a real pillar in the fitness community.
You know, most entrepreneurs feel like they're on an island, especially when starting out. It's pretty similar in health and fitness endeavors...
You're doing things most people find odd - working out, eating right, skipping the late-night parties. It can get lonely when those around you don't share your entrepreneurial mindset or your dedication to wellness goals.
That's where the magic of a 'TRIBE' comes in. It's more than just group support; it's about connecting with folks who get it.
Whether you're on a fitness journey or hustling to build your business, having a tribe gives you that much-needed motivation and support.
Think about it. Jim Rohn said, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with." If they're not on board with your wellness and fitness goals, it's going to be a tough ride.
But here's the deal – it's not about ditching your friends and family. It's about recognizing they might not be part of your support network for your fitness journey. They might not understand the highs and lows of chasing those wellness goals. And that's okay. You need your tribe - people who are right there with you, in the thick of it.
So, who's in your tribe?
If you're feeling a bit solo on this journey, don't worry. We've got an amazing tribe at The Transformation Club, always ready to welcome more go-getters, both in-person and online. Together, we're stronger, pushing each other towards our health, fitness, and even entrepreneurial goals.
Remember, in health, in fitness, in life – your tribe can make all the difference. Find yours.
Justin Yule
It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!
We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...
It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!
We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...
Wednesday, January 03, 2024
I've had quite the journey leading and participating in masterminds for fitness entrepreneurs. These gatherings, whether online or face-to-face, aren't just meetings. They're powerhouses of learning, sharing, and growing - a real pillar in the fitness community.
You know, most entrepreneurs feel like they're on an island, especially when starting out. It's pretty similar in health and fitness endeavors...
You're doing things most people find odd - working out, eating right, skipping the late-night parties. It can get lonely when those around you don't share your entrepreneurial mindset or your dedication to wellness goals.
That's where the magic of a 'TRIBE' comes in. It's more than just group support; it's about connecting with folks who get it.
Whether you're on a fitness journey or hustling to build your business, having a tribe gives you that much-needed motivation and support.
Think about it. Jim Rohn said, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with." If they're not on board with your wellness and fitness goals, it's going to be a tough ride.
But here's the deal – it's not about ditching your friends and family. It's about recognizing they might not be part of your support network for your fitness journey. They might not understand the highs and lows of chasing those wellness goals. And that's okay. You need your tribe - people who are right there with you, in the thick of it.
So, who's in your tribe?
If you're feeling a bit solo on this journey, don't worry. We've got an amazing tribe at The Transformation Club, always ready to welcome more go-getters, both in-person and online. Together, we're stronger, pushing each other towards our health, fitness, and even entrepreneurial goals.
Remember, in health, in fitness, in life – your tribe can make all the difference. Find yours.
Justin Yule