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Primary Blog/Recipes/Healthy Shamrock Shake

Healthy Shamrock Shake

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we wanted to share our Healthy Shamrock Shake recipe!

Have you ever taken a look at the nutrition facts for one of those other shakes?  It's actually quite ALARMING!!!

Here is just a little bit of what you will find...

  • ​80 grams of SUGAR
  • 54 total ingredients
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • ​Food dyes
  • ​Obscure additives

That makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it.

Instead try this healthy version of a shamrock shake that has...

  • ​​Healthy fat
  • ​High-quality Protein
  • ​ZERO additives
  • ​Leafy greens
  • ​Powerful detoxifier

This shake not only has green veggies, it also contains straight-up chlorophyll.

Just why are green veggies & chlorophyll so important?

It turns out that it’s all in the chemistry...

Green coloration in plants is caused by the power pigment chlorophyll, which has some surprisingly fabulous effects on our bodies.

In a plant, chlorophyll is its energy powerhouse working to turn rays of sunlight into plant fuel, but once it gets off your plate and into your mouth, chlorophyll goes to work on you too!

And it’s no slouch!

This mighty green molecule boosts oxygen uptake in the blood and will keep you energized and fatigue free.

Additionally, chlorophyll is a carrier of magnesium, which is a key player in how we process and create energy in our cells. Chlorophyll carried magnesium helps to metabolize vitamin C, potassium, and sodium (which, in turn, helps to regulate inflammation and swelling), and even more miraculous—chlorophyll is an amazing antioxidant and acts against the accumulation of toxins and free radicals.

Here’s another interesting factoid:

Chlorophyll’s molecular structure is very comparable to that of hemoglobin, a vital component of human blood. The only difference is their central atom – hemoglobin has iron, and chlorophyll has magnesium.

Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin

Why is this important?

Because liquid chlorophyll performs an identical function in the human body as hemoglobin - transporting oxygen and supporting energy...

Chlorophyll is truly one of the unsung heroes when discussing the potential of nutrition.

Chlorophyll has the amazing ability to protect us from potentially harmful substances like no other food or medicine can. It supports cellular integrity, naturally cleanses toxins from the liver and bloodstream, supports heart and brain activity, and helps the body rebuild.

Chlorophyll is nature’s first gift to mankind, and it remains even more so today!

The bottom line: chlorophyll rocks!

So how do you get your fill?

Bring on the green veggies!

But of course, not all vegetables are created equal. Winners in the category of chlorophyll kings are fab foods like artichoke, parsley, kale, asparagus, arugula, and collard greens.

If you want a serious chlorophyll hit, add a teaspoon of Eniva Chlorophyll Plus Ⓡ Liquid Greens Complex to your water or make this Healthy Shamrock Shake..

Chlorophyll PLUS Liquid Greens Complex

Now, let's get to that Healthy Shamrock Shake Recipe, shall we?



Add all ingredients to blender.  Blend & ENJOY!

In Health & Happiness,
Janell Yule

want more healthy & delicious protein-packed smoothie recipes?

Protein-Packed Smoothie Recipes
Justin & Janell Yule

Hi, We're Justin & Janell Yule

Co-Founders of The Transformation Life

It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!

We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...


Justin & Janell Yule

Hi, We're Justin & Janell Yule

Co-Founders of The Transformation Life

It is our mission to educate, motivate, and inspire you to become the BEST version of YOU!

We hope you enjoy our posts and find great value in them as you progress along your health & fitness journey...


Primary Blog/Recipes/Healthy Shamrock Shake

Healthy Shamrock Shake

Thursday, March 09, 2023

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we wanted to share our Healthy Shamrock Shake recipe!

Have you ever taken a look at the nutrition facts for one of those other shakes?  It's actually quite ALARMING!!!

Here is just a little bit of what you will find...

  • ​80 grams of SUGAR
  • 54 total ingredients
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • ​Food dyes
  • ​Obscure additives

That makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it.

Instead try this healthy version of a shamrock shake that has...

  • ​​Healthy fat
  • ​High-quality Protein
  • ​ZERO additives
  • ​Leafy greens
  • ​Powerful detoxifier

This shake not only has green veggies, it also contains straight-up chlorophyll.

Just why are green veggies & chlorophyll so important?

It turns out that it’s all in the chemistry...

Green coloration in plants is caused by the power pigment chlorophyll, which has some surprisingly fabulous effects on our bodies.

In a plant, chlorophyll is its energy powerhouse working to turn rays of sunlight into plant fuel, but once it gets off your plate and into your mouth, chlorophyll goes to work on you too!

And it’s no slouch!

This mighty green molecule boosts oxygen uptake in the blood and will keep you energized and fatigue free.

Additionally, chlorophyll is a carrier of magnesium, which is a key player in how we process and create energy in our cells. Chlorophyll carried magnesium helps to metabolize vitamin C, potassium, and sodium (which, in turn, helps to regulate inflammation and swelling), and even more miraculous—chlorophyll is an amazing antioxidant and acts against the accumulation of toxins and free radicals.

Here’s another interesting factoid:

Chlorophyll’s molecular structure is very comparable to that of hemoglobin, a vital component of human blood. The only difference is their central atom – hemoglobin has iron, and chlorophyll has magnesium.

Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin

Why is this important?

Because liquid chlorophyll performs an identical function in the human body as hemoglobin - transporting oxygen and supporting energy...

Chlorophyll is truly one of the unsung heroes when discussing the potential of nutrition.

Chlorophyll has the amazing ability to protect us from potentially harmful substances like no other food or medicine can. It supports cellular integrity, naturally cleanses toxins from the liver and bloodstream, supports heart and brain activity, and helps the body rebuild.

Chlorophyll is nature’s first gift to mankind, and it remains even more so today!

The bottom line: chlorophyll rocks!

So how do you get your fill?

Bring on the green veggies!

But of course, not all vegetables are created equal. Winners in the category of chlorophyll kings are fab foods like artichoke, parsley, kale, asparagus, arugula, and collard greens.

If you want a serious chlorophyll hit, add a teaspoon of Eniva Chlorophyll Plus Ⓡ Liquid Greens Complex to your water or make this Healthy Shamrock Shake..

Chlorophyll PLUS Liquid Greens Complex

Now, let's get to that Healthy Shamrock Shake Recipe, shall we?



Add all ingredients to blender.  Blend & ENJOY!

In Health & Happiness,
Janell Yule

want more healthy & delicious protein-packed smoothie recipes?

Protein-Packed Smoothie Recipes